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Learn more about us

transport międzynarodowy

international shipping

P.T.H.U LIDER Henryk Gasiorek

For over half a century, our company has maintained its position thanks to constant care for the customer, providing comprehensive services, including not only transportation and freight forwarding, but also mechanical vehicle services, tire vulcanization, and wheel alignment. The company also has a Vehicle Inspection Station for vehicles up to 3.5 tons. P.T.H.U LIDER is not just a reliable company, it’s also a family, ready to meet the challenges of the coming years.

See how we


A company

unlike any other.

What distinguishes our company is not only its impressive over 40-year presence in the market, but also the fact that it is a family business. From the very beginning, founder Henryk Gąsiorek passed on his values and commitments to the family, which influenced the development of a company based on solidarity, trust, and care for the customer.

transport międzynarodowy rodzina1

All in one place.


In our company, in addition to committed family members, we also employ skilled individuals who are passionate about their profession. Thanks to this diversity and collective passion, we create a harmonious group ready to meet any business challenges.

Get in touch with us


Company headquarters:

Wyspianskiego 11,
48-340 Gluchołazy

Transportation base:

Nowy Swietow 97,
48-330 Nowy Swietow